Survivor Season 24 - 2012

Not much to say about this one. Winner Kim played a nice clean game, the men vs women tribal setup led the men to an absolute rout, helped along by their boneheaded decision to forego immunity in order to vote one of their own out.

This was only possible because this is “Survivor: One World”, where the tribes spent a majority of their time on the same beach. Sure, they split off for a few days after a tribe shuffle, but at merge they were right back together again. I appreciate the Survivor crew constantly experimenting, and in this case proving that they had the exact right setup from day 1 of Borneo.

The One World setup also gave Colton a chance to try to defect to the women, who absolutely did not want him around. Colton reminds me of NaOnka, a villain as ridiculous as they are one-note. A self-described gay Republican, he clearly developed a thick skin growing up in the South and used his meanness to play status games outside of the game. Inside, he was a schoolyard bully, tossing out whatever slurs came to mind and destroying the self-esteem of his tribemates, both to their face and in his talking heads. He would have been mutinied at some point, but thankfully for all of us God struck him down with Appendicitis before he could really get rolling.

We were blessed with a man named Troyzan AND a man named Tarzan this season, the latter of whom got into an extended argument about if his underwear was poopy, but also loved his wife so much that he made everyone cry. Please, cast more weird old guys.