Lady and the Tramp - 1955

disney put the “sorry for the racism” card in front of this one for the Siamese cats, but there’s lots of fun to go around! Some other stuff that jumped out:

  • parents have a baby, immediately leave to go on vacation
  • a scene featuring full-on dog fighting
  • a dog pound where we watch a dog walk away to get shot
  • a horse-drawn coach falls on top of a dog, crushing it. another dog unsuccessfully attempts to revive him and then mournfully howls as the scene fades to black (later the dog is revealed to be minorly injured. phew!)

oh yeah and the climax of the film is when the titular dogs stop a RAT FROM KILLING A HUMAN BABY

all of this shit went over the 3-year-old’s head, so she watched a pretty chill movie about talking dogs and then the dogs eat spaghetti. 3 stars!