002: ludic.mataroa.blog w/ Ludic

“Redditors are scum and they belong in prison.”

Pugilistic wordsmith Nik "Ludic" Suresh hops on the Cast to answer the question: Is blogging so fucking back?  What follows is a spirited conversation about his chosen platform, unlocking the secrets of Extreme Networking, getting accused of hacking Hacker News, why Squarespace sucks ass, and, most importantly, comic book movies.

Ludic's web site is ludic.mataroa.blog.  Learn more about his company, Hermit Tech, at hermit-tech.com.

Visit phil's web site, the coolest web site on the entire internet, at phils-web-site.net.  Phil and his friends will make a good web site for you at Tiger Pajamas (dot com).

Listen here or wherever you listen to pod casts, idk